The Carbon Plan - reducing greenhouse gas emissions
The government's plans for achieving the emissions reductions it has committed to, including actions and milestones.
First published in December 2011, the Carbon Plan sets out the government’s plans for achieving the emissions reductions it committed to in the first 4 carbon budgets.
Emissions in the UK must, by law, be cut by at least 80% of 1990 levels by 2050. The UK was first to set its ambition in law and the Plan sets out progress to date and assesses cost-effective next steps.
Parts 1, 2 and 3 of the report, and Annex A and Annex B set out the government’s strategy and fulfil the legal obligation to report on what the UK is doing to ensure it meets carbon budgets set in law.
Annex C sets out, department by department, actions and deadlines for the next 5 years.
Quarterly updates on the implementation of the Carbon Plan are available here.